Khorn Kham of Lowell

1947 - 2021


December 30, 2021
2:30 P.M.
Trairatanaram Temple in North Chelmsford, MA


December 31, 2021
8:00 A.M.
Dolan Funeral Home, 106 Middlesex St., Chelmsford

Khorn Kham, 74, of Lowell, MA passed away Sunday, December 26, 2021 at his daughter’s home in Milford, NH.

He was married for over 40 years to Moum Mong.

Born in Battambang, Cambodia, he was the son of Kao Kham and Sarn.   He attended high school and came to the United States in 1984 and became a U.S. citizen.

Khorn retired as a carpenter in the construction industry.

He was a member of the Trairatanaram Temple in Chelmsford, MA.

He enjoyed fishing and was an avid sports fan.

Besides his wife he is survived by daughter Monica Kham and her husband Johnny Pang of Milford, NH, sons Kurt Kham and his wife Srey Vy Sou of Nashua, NH, Sor Kham and his wife Kim Voeu of Litchfield, NH, Khev Kham and his wife Lele Luu-Kham of Pepperell, MA, and twelve grandchildren.

Khorn was the brother of the late Soeun Bao.

Visiting hours Thursday 2:30 P.M. at Trairatanaram Temple, Chelmsford, MA. Funeral Friday at 8:00 A.M. from the DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 106 MIDDLESEX ST. CHELMSFORD, with a procession to Middlesex Crematory in Merrimack, NH. ARRANGEMENTS BY DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 978-251-4041. Guestbook at

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Dolan Funeral Home serves greater Lowell and southern New Hampshire, including Chelmsford, N. Chelmsford, Tyngsboro, Westford, Dunstable, Dracut, Lowell, MA, Nashua, Windham, Hudson, NH.

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