Mark Mok Pech of Lowell

1964 - 2019


April 27, 2019
1pm to 2pm
Dolan Funeral Home, 106 Middlesex St. Chelmsford, MA 01863


April 28, 2019
Wat Khmer Samaki Santikaram Buddhist Temle, 85 Tyngsboro Rd. Chelmsford MA 01863

Mark Mok Pech, 54, of Lowell, MA died unexpectedly April 17 while on business in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

He was travelling with his companion Sokuntheary Sy of Lowell.

Born in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on June 6, 1964 the son of the late Saroeun Kim and Ry Mok. He attended Roosevelt High School in Bronx, NY.

He previously worked for asbestos Abatement of Lowell.

Mark became a USA Citizen in 1992.

He was a member of the Wat Khmer Samaki Santikaram Budhist Temple.

Mark loved spending time with family and friends. He enjoyed going to the gym.

Besides his companion he is survived by his sons, Vannak Mok of Lowell, and Charlie Mith of Lowell; three daughters, Demona Mok of Lowell, Michelle Neak and her husband, Jovi Chitpaseuth of Lowell, and Cynthia Pech of Lowell; three brothers, Kong Pech of Lowell, Pov Pech of Lowell, and Chanveasna Pech and his wife Borirath Yin of Lowell; a sister, Sokhan Pech and her husband Touch Loeu of Montreal, Quebec, Canada; seven grandchildren, and many nieces and nephews.


Visiting hours Saturday April 27, 2019 from 1 to 2 P.M. at the DOLAN FUNERAL HOME, 106 MIDDLESEX ST. CHELMSFORD followed by a procession to the Wat Khmer Samaki Santikaram Buddhist Temple. Funeral Sunday at 8AM at the Wat Khmer Samaki Santikaram Buddhist Temple. Cremation to follow at Merrimack Crematory. ARRANGEMENTS BY DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 978-256-4040.

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