Ry Som of Lowell

1934 - 2019


July 7, 2019
Glory Buddhist Temple


July 8, 2019
8 AM
Glory Buddhist Temple, 24 Cambridge St. Lowell, MA 01851

Ry Som, age84, of Lowell, died Thursday June 27, 2019 at his son’s house surrounded by family.

He was married to Rim Nheik.

Born in Preah Vihear on August 16, 1934 the son of the late Pul Som and Dum Soum.

He came to the USA in 1983 and moved from Connecticut to Lowell in 1985. He Enjoyed visiting the Elder Care Community Center in Lowell.

Besides his wife, he is survived by his daughter, Vanna Som and her husband Henry Von Son, sons, Chen Som and his wife Hanna Veuk of Lowell, Ross T. Som of Lowell, Piere Som and his wife Patty Kieng of Lowell, Phy Som of Lowell, Jacob P. Som of Lowell, and Sophath Som and his wife Nancy Som of N. Attleboro, fourteen grandchildren and ten great grandchildren, and many nieces and nephews, cousins and friends.


Visiting hours Sunday July 7th after 5P.M. at the Glory Buddhist Temple 25 Cambridge St. Lowell, MA. Funeral Monday July 8th  at 8AM at Glory Buddhist Temple 25 Cambridge St. Lowell, MA followed by a cremation at Merrimack Crematory, Merrimack, NH. ARRANGEMENTS BY DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 978-256-4040.

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