Sophan Vann of Lowell

1951 - 2020


January 26, 2020
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Dolan Funeral Home 106 Middlesex St. N.Chelmsford, MA 01863


January 27, 2020
8:00 Am
Glory Temple, 24 Cambridge St, Lowell, MA 01851

Sophan Vann, 68, of Lowell, died unexpectedly early Wednesday morning January 22, 2020 at Lowell General Hospital.

She was married to the late Chanthan Mak.

Born in Cambodia she was the daughter of the late Vann Chitea and Thoeung Vann. She graduated from High School.

Sophan came the the USA in March of 1983. She was seamstress and in her free time she enjoyed cooking, gardening, sewing, and raising her family.

She was a member of the Glory Temple, Lowell.

Sophan is survived by 13 sons, Chanthrea Mak of Cambodia, Chanthra Mak of Cambodia, Ratanak Mak of Cambodia, Chetra Mak of Lowell, Vick Vann of Lowell, Samnang Mak of Compton, CA, Sovan Mak of Lowell, Palleka Mak of Lowell, Ravy Vann of Lowell, Chendara Vann Lowell 2 daughters, Yari Mak of Lowell, and Emmy Vann of Lowell.

She was the sister of the late of the late Sophea Vann, Sophean Vann and Sophorn Vann

Visiting hours Sunday 2 to 3 P.M. at the DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 106 MIDDLESEX ST. CHELMSFORD.  Funeral Monday at 8 A.M. at Glory Budhist Temple, Lowell, MA.  Cremation at Merrimack Crematory, 10 Henry Clay Drive, Merrimack, NH 03054. ARRANGEMENTS BY DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 978-251-4041. Guestbook at

1 Condolences for Sophan Vann of Lowell

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    Karen Kasinskas


    Our sincere condolences! Prayers to the family! We all love Yaya and will miss here! Karen and Arthur

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