Creative Ideas for Cremated Remains

cremation services in Westford, MA

As you plan how to lay a loved one who has died to rest by cremating them, you want to think about what to do with the cremated remains. There are lots of options to consider. Some are popular ones, like scattering the remains or placing them in an urn, but there are also lots of other creative options to choose from. Here are some choices that providers of cremation services in Westford, MA want you to consider.

One creative option you have for a loved one’s remains is to make them into diamonds. This requires a bit of a larger budget, but it can be a lovely way of honoring the person and of ensuring that they are always there with you. You can choose from lots of colors and styles and you can have special jewelry made, as well.

If your loved one was someone who enjoyed the ocean or water, in general, you can choose to give them a water burial. This is an option that requires a biodegradable urn, which can be made of wood, wicker, salt, clay, and many other options. Some people choose to have a ceremony there by the water as they release the urn. It can be a lovely option that can offer closure for people who are struggling with the loss.

Another option you have is to mix the cremated remains with cement to build something in honor of your loved one. If the person enjoyed watching birds, you can create a birdbath with the cement mixture. Think of something that reminds you of the person so that you can create something they would have loved.

If the person was someone who was concerned about the environment and who wanted to have a positive impact on the planet, you can also choose to have the remains buried with seeds from which a plant can grow. You can choose any type of tree or other plant, allowing something beautiful to grow from the remains. You may even want to add a plaque with your loved one’s name to the tree or bush.

For loved ones who enjoyed excitement and loved attending parties and celebrations, you can add the cremated remains to fireworks. There are lots of companies that offer this option and it can allow you to offer your loved one the sendoff they would have wanted. With all of the firework options available, you can find exactly the right choice.

cremation services in Westford, MA

These are some of the creative options you have available for cremated remains. There are lots of other choices you can turn to, so if you are not sure what to choose, you can reach out to a Westford, MA cremation service provider like us at Dolan Funeral Home. Our team is ready to help you with the decisions you need to make after the loss of a loved one so do not hesitate to reach out to us. You can give us a call right now or you can visit us today.

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Dolan Funeral Home serves greater Lowell and southern New Hampshire, including Chelmsford, N. Chelmsford, Tyngsboro, Westford, Dunstable, Dracut, Lowell, MA, Nashua, Windham, Hudson, NH.

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