Grace E. McIntosh, beloved mother, grandmother, great-grandmother

1925 - 2023

US Veteran U.S. Army


May 31, 2023
4-7 P.M.
Dolan Funeral Home, 106 Middlesex St., N. Chelmsford


June 1, 2023
10 A.M.
Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 242 Boston Road, Chelmsford, MA

Grace E. McIntosh, beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, born on November 4, 1925 and lifelong resident of New England, died at the age of 97, May 20, 2023, in her recently adopted home of San Rafael, CA at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in San Rafael.

She was married to the late Lawrence A. McIntosh of Hot Springs, Arkansas for 17 years. .

Born in Winchester, MA, she was the daughter of the late William E. and Kizzie C. McKinnon.

A graduate of the class of 1943 of Burlington High School, Burlington, MA, Grace continued her studies and graduated as an RN from Charles Choate Memorial Hospital School of Nursing, Woburn, MA, class of 1946.  She was a proud member of the United States Cadet Nurse Corps.

In her dedicated career as a nurse, Grace worked for many Greater Lowell, MA nursing homes, for pediatric nursing facilities and as a Chelmsford, MA public school nurse. She retired from nursing in 1994.

She attended the Bethany Covenant Church of Bedford, NH and a member of Orchard Christian Church of Londonderry, NH.

She was a life member of VFW Post 1503 Auxiliary, Dale City, VA and was a past Girl Scout leader.

Grace enjoyed bird watching, jig saw puzzles, playing games with her family and was an avid reader. She loved spending time with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She handwrote her life chronicles.

She is survived by her daughters Brenda Walsh of San Rafael, CA, Ellen Carleton of Dale City, VA, June George of Manchester, NH; son Robert L. McIntosh of Litchfield, NH; 10 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren, as well as many nieces and nephews. She was the last of 15 children.

She was the mother of the late Cheryl McIntosh and mother-in-law of the late William F. Carleton and Patrick Walsh.


Visiting hours Wednesday, May 31, 2023 from 4-7PM at DOLAN FUNERAL HOME, 106 MIDDLESEX STREET, N. CHELMSFORD, MA. Funeral Thursday, June 1 at 10AM at Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 242 Boston Road, Chelmsford.  Burial in Pine Ridge Cemetery, Chelmsford. Memorials may be made in her name to the National Audubon Society.


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