Hoy Proeung, of Lowell, MA

1964 - 2021


October 22, 2021
Trairatanaram Temple


October 23, 2021
Trairatanaram Temple


Hoy Proeung

of Lowell, MA


Hoy Proeung, 57, of Lowell, MA passed away unexpectedly Thursday, October 14 2021 at Lowell General Hospital Saints Campus.

He was married to Prak Heng.

Born in Siem Reap, Cambodia, he was the son of Proeun Proeung and Chhay Pov of Stockton, CA.

Hoy came to the United States in July 1984 and later on became a citizen.

He attended Middlesex Community college.

Hoy was employed with Ideal Tape Co. in Lowell, Ma.

Hoy loved to watch sports, go fishing and spend time with his loving family.

Besides his wife he is survived by his two sons, Sunny and Tony Proeung of Lowell, his two daughters Vannary and her companion Terrijon Fowler of Atlanta, Georgia and Marrena Heng of Lowell, MA. One Brother Horn Proeung of Lowell, Ma, and his two sisters Chhoeun Proeung and Chhavy Proeung both of Stockton, CA.

He was the brother of the late Heng Proeung.


Hoy Proeung of Lowell, MA died Thursday October 14 2021. Visiting hours will be at Trairataranam Temple beginning at 2:30PM Friday October 22. Funeral will be Saturday October 23 at 8:00AM beginning at Trairataranam Temple, followed by a funeral procession to Merrimack Crematory, Merrimack, NH. ARRANGEMENTS BY DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 978-251-4041. Guestbook at www.dolanfuneralhome.com

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