Kla Hong, of Lowell, MA

1949 - 2022

No Vistitation Date Scheduled

No Funeral Date Scheduled

Kla Hong of Lowell, MA


Kla Hong, 72, of Lowell, MA passed peacefully on Monday, January 3, 2022, at Lowell General Hospital, surrounded by his loved ones.


He was born in Battambang, Cambodia. He was the son of the late Mr. Ly Phon and Mrs. Yip An. He was the brother of the late Phat Phon of Battambang, Cambodia and the father of the late Seaksom Phon also of Battambang, Cambodia.


After proudly serving in the Cambodian Army during the Khmer Rouge, Kla came to the United States in 1983. Kla belonged to the Neakpon Band, a group of traditional Cambodian wedding musicians of Lowell, Ma. He loved to teach and compose traditional Cambodian music. Kla enjoyed spending time outdoors fishing and hunting with his family.


Kla was married to Von Brach for 53 years. Besides his wife he is survived by his three sons, Sophan Phon, Sophem Phon and his wife Chitra Chan and Sophany Phon and his wife Kathy Im, all of Lowell, MA. Three daughters, Phear Phon and her husband Shawn Nankati of Lowell, MA, Sophin Phon of Reading, MA and Sopheun Phon and her companion Sunday Ka, of Lowell, MA. Kla is also survived by fourteen grandchildren, one great grandchild and several nieces and nephews.





Kla Hong, of Lowell, MA passed on Monday, January 3, 2022, at Lowell General Hospital. A private funeral service was held on January 10, 2022.



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