Paul and Joan Monahan of Salem, NH


No Vistitation Date Scheduled

No Funeral Date Scheduled

Paul T.  2/2/1942 to 1/19/23

Joan I. (Dowd) 5/20/48 to 1/22/23


Paul Monahan, 80, of Salem, NH, passed away peacefully on January 19th., due to complications of Covid. Just 3 days later, he was joined by his loving wife Joan,74. Broken-hearted, she passed due to complications of Diabetes. Married 53 years, they were always by each other’s side. A devoted couple. A true example of love and life.

Paul grew up and worked in the Somerville area and became a highly skilled Cement Mason. He was a proud Vietnam War Veteran serving in the U.S. Army 199th Inf. Paul was awarded several medals including the Purple Heart for his honorable service. He was a quiet man, but full of lighthearted jokes. He was happiest just being home with Joannie and their pets. They both loved watching the birds and wildlife that visited, fishing and working in the yard together.

Joan, daughter of the late Francis and Lillian (Trubey) Dowd, grew up in Chelmsford. She was a 1966 graduate of Chelmsford High. Joannie retired from Pitney Bowes as a Field Service Tech. Specializing in the repair and installation of mailing equipment. She truly was a gifted mechanic. She was never without her tools; she could fix anything! Her legacy of laughter and silliness was unmatched. Always full of crazy gifts and antics to make her family laugh. Joannie took interest in everyone she spoke to. Meet Joan and you had a friend for life! She loved working on family genealogy and shopping for plants to fill her garden menagerie. Most of all she just loved being with Paul.

Wherever beautiful souls have been, there is a garden trail of beautiful memories.

They are survived by a brother-in-law/brother Brian Dowd; two sister-in-laws/sisters Gail Bentley and Kathleen Dowd-Curran. Also, several nieces and nephews.


A graveside service will be planned in the spring.

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Dolan Funeral Home serves greater Lowell and southern New Hampshire, including Chelmsford, N. Chelmsford, Tyngsboro, Westford, Dunstable, Dracut, Lowell, MA, Nashua, Windham, Hudson, NH.

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