Rita Cecile (Faucher) Carney of Lowell

1925 - 2018

No Vistitation Date Scheduled


July 13, 2018
11:00 Mass
St. John the Evangelist Church 115 Middlesex St. Chelmsford, MA 01863

Rita Cecile (Faucher) Carney of Lowell, MA died Tuesday afternoon, July 10, 2018 at Willow Manor Nursing Home in Lowell after a long illness.

She was married to the late Thomas E. Carney who died in June of 1988.

Born in Manchester, NH on April 4, 1925, she was the daughter of the late Placide J. Faucher and Clara (Caron) Faucher.

She was proud of her work at Heinz Electric Company as part of the war effort in World War II. She enjoyed her years as a teacher’s aide at the Roger’s School and the Hellenic American School in Lowell.

She is survived by her daughter, Theresa Kelley and her husband, Ronald of Nashua, NH, her son, Paul Carney and his wife, Barbara of Rockland, MA, and her four grandchildren, Colleen Groner and her husband, Michael of Barre, MA, Allison D’Agostino and her husband Michael of Medford, MA, Alicia Carney and Sean Carney, both of Rockland, MA and two great grandchildren.

Her family wishes to thank the staffs of the former Heritage Manor Nursing Home especially Anna, Dawn, Marie and Johnny P., the Willow Manor Nursing Home and Circle Hospice for their loving care provided to Rita.

A private Funeral was held yesterday, July 13, 2018 with a funeral Mass at St. John the Evangelist Church in N. Chelmsford. Burial in St. Patrick Cemetery in Lowell. ARRANGEMENTS BY DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 106 MIDDLESEX ST. CHELMSFORD 978-251-4041. Guestbook at www.dolanfuneralhome.com

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