Robert Thompson of Lowell, MA

05/04/1946 - 2021

No Vistitation Date Scheduled

No Funeral Date Scheduled

Robert Thompson, 74, of Lowell, MA died Thursday, March 18, 2021 at Lowell
General Hospital.
He was married to Lydia Thompson with whom he would have celebrated their 35th wedding
anniversary in August.
Born in Southgate, England, he was the son of the late Harry Thompson and
Eunice (Smith) Thompson.
He worked as a Software Engineer in the Computer Industry.
Robert was a gamer and loved playing board games, computer games and reading trips to
Barnes and Noble.
He was a perfectionist and Sci-Fi fanatic who also loved Math and Science and Crossword every Sunday.
Besides his wife he is survived by his 3 daughters Andrea Michelle Thompson and her fiancé Michael Caron of Hudson, NH, Danielle Elizabeth Thompson of Lowell, MA and Laura Anne Thompson of Lowell, MA and three grandchildren Alexander Thompson, Damian Thompson and Charlotte Thompson.
He was loved by many.

At his request, there will be no services. ARRANGEMENTS BY DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 978-251-4041. Guestbook at


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  • Office Hours: M-F  8:30am - 4:30pm  ~  Sat. & Sun. 9:30am - 2:30pm
  • Phone: (978) 256-4040
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Dolan Funeral Home serves greater Lowell and southern New Hampshire, including Chelmsford, N. Chelmsford, Tyngsboro, Westford, Dunstable, Dracut, Lowell, MA, Nashua, Windham, Hudson, NH.

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