Sakhan Mey of Lowell, formerly of Ft Worth, TX

1937 - 2017


July 7, 2017
10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Dolan Funeral Home


July 7, 2017
11:00 AM
Dolan Funeral Home

Sakhan Mey, 80, of Lowell, formerly of Fort Worth, TX. Died on Monday, June 26, 2017 at Wingate of Belvidere.

He was married to Sung Lach with whom he celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary this past May.

Born in Kampong Cham, Cambodia he was the son of the late Nol and Soy Mey.

He served as a Medic with the Cambodian Army during the Vietnam War.

Sakhan moved to Fort Worth, TX in 1982 and worked as a gardener at a Hospital in Fort Worth. He was also an elder for the Cambodian Baptist Church in Dallas, TX.

He temporarily moved to Lowell in 1997 and attended a Cambodian Baptist Church in Lowell. He moved to Lowell permanently in 2006 and attended Voice of Peace Cambodian Christian Church in Lowell.

Besides his wife he is survived by his sons: Rindo Nong of Fort Worth, TX, Rindy Nong of Ormond Beach, FL, Jonah Nong of Lowell, MA, and Rod Prenn of Hurst, TX; daughters, Lee Kim of Euless, TX, Seyla Mey of Richland Hill, TX, and Rebekah Mey Cox of Tyngsboro; many grandchildren.

Visiting hours Friday July 7, 2017 from 10 to 11 A.M. Funeral Friday at 11 AM at the DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 106 MIDDLESEX ST. CHELMSFORD, MA 01863. Arrangements by Dolan Funeral Home 978-251-4041.


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