Saroeuy Tep Formerly of Houston, TX and Fall River, MA

1944 - 2019


January 18, 2019
9 AM - 10 AM
Calvary Baptist Church 60 Hastings St. Lowell


January 18, 2019
10 AM
Calvary Baptist Church 60 Hastings St. Lowell

Saroeuy Tep, 74, formerly of Houston, TX and Fall River, MA died Tuesday morning, January 15, 2019 at Willow Manor Nursing Home in Lowell, MA.

She was married to the late Tab Kim.

Born in Battambang, Cambodia, she was the daughter of the late Khem Tep and Ma Say.

Saroeuy was a member of the Christian Church at Calvary Baptist Church in Lowell, MA.

She came to the U.S. in 1986.

Saroeuy is survived by two daughters, Vareth Kim and her companion, Seng Leang of Lowell and Vary Kim and her husband, Nau Miller Khleng of Houston, TX; five grandchildren, Sieng Kim of Lowell, Dina Kim of Lowell, David Kim of New York, Saly Kim of Houston, and Ratha Khleng of Houston; two brothers, Sokhom and Savoeun Tep of Modesto, CA and many nieces and nephews.

Her visitation will be Friday, January 18, 2019 from 9 to 10 am at the Calvary Baptist Church, 60 Hastings St., Lowell, MA followed by a funeral service at 10:00am. Burial in Westlawn II Cemetery, Lowell.  ARRANGEMENTS BY DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 978-251-4041.


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