Choosing an Outfit for a Deceased Loved One

cremation services in Lowell, MA

There will be many decisions you have to make after the death of a loved one and these can include choosing the kind of outfit you want them to be buried or cremated in. If your loved one did not tell you what they would have preferred, it can be tough to make this choice. To help you manage this, there are some things that providers of cremation services in Lowell, MA want you to remember.


You want to consider your loved one’s personality and what they would have preferred wearing as their final outfit. If your loved one was someone who loved to dress up for special occasions, choosing an outfit that is a bit fancier can be a good idea. If, however, your loved one was someone who preferred to dress casually, you want to respect that, too. It can be important to keep that in mind as you decide on the outfit, since you want to represent your loved one and what they would have chosen for themselves.


If your loved one was part of a culture or religion that had funerary preferences or requirements, you want to take that into consideration. There are many religions that prefer more modest outfits, so you want to keep that in mind as you choose the one for your loved one. There may even be some colors that are preferred over others for certain cultures. If you are not sure about any of this, you want to reach out to experts to know what to choose.


Another thing to consider is adding accessories to the outfit. If your loved one had a favorite piece of jewelry or if they loved to wear a scar or a hat, you can choose to include that in their outfit. It can be a lovely way of honoring them and their personality.


Do remember that there are some restrictions for cremation services. You should not choose an outfit that has metal accents or that is made of latex or leather. Some people choose to have their loved ones cremated in biodegradable materials like linen and cotton, while others choose to have their loved ones cremated in a sheet or even nude.

cremation services in Lowell, MA

These are some important things you want to remember when choosing the final outfit for a loved one. It is something you want to take some time with so that you can find the best possible option. You want to consider any religious affiliations or any cultural requirements so that you can offer them an option that is respectful and that shows who they were. You can learn more about this by reaching out to a Lowell, MA cremation service provider like us at Dolan Funeral Home. We are ready to help you with all of the funerary decisions you need to make after the death of a loved one. Call us right now or visit us today to learn more about what we can offer.

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Dolan Funeral Home serves greater Lowell and southern New Hampshire, including Chelmsford, N. Chelmsford, Tyngsboro, Westford, Dunstable, Dracut, Lowell, MA, Nashua, Windham, Hudson, NH.

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