Anna Marie Krusper of Hudson, MA

1968 - 2018

No Vistitation Date Scheduled


January 5, 2019
10 AM
St. John the Evangelist Church, 115 Middlesex St. Chelmsford, MA 01863

Anna Marie Krusper, 50, of Hudson, MA, passed away Friday, December 7, 2018 at Marlborough Hospital in Marlborough, MA after a long battle with cancer.

Ms. Krusper was born in Thousand Oaks, CA, on May 27, 1968 to the late Joseph and Irene (Yanko) Krusper. She graduated from Groton Dunstable Regional Secondary School with the class of 1986, and she attended Newbury Jr. College and the University of Massachusetts. She spent many years in the Lake Tahoe area, where she worked as a Pharmacy Technician, until she moved back to the east coast. She was a member of St. John the Evangelist Church in North Chelmsford, and her faith was very important to her.  She also loved to spend time with her dog, Solash, who went everywhere with her.

She is survived by her brother, Stephen and his wife Christine Krusper of Tewksbury, MA; her sister, Suzanne and her husband David Pratt of Clinton, MA; her sister, Kathleen and her husband Stephen Carleton of Alton Bay, NH; her nephews, Brian Carleton and Derrick Bailey; and her nieces, Irene Bailey, Melissa Carleton, Danielle Pratt, and Sara and Stephany Krusper. She is predeceased by her niece, Samantha Bailey.

Rite of Christian Burial Service will be held at St. John Evangelist Church, in Chelmsford, MA on Saturday, January 5, 2019 at 10:00AM. Burial in Central Cemetery, Dunstable. ARRANGEMENTS BY DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 978-251-4041.

2 Condolences for Anna Marie Krusper of Hudson, MA

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    Carleton Famuly


    Our Love and prayers are with Sue, Kathy and Stephen. We shared our home with Anna after Kathy and Stephen married. So she is part of us as well

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    Mary & Harry Carleton


    We send our love and prayers to Kathy, Sue and Stephen. And all of us who knew and loved her. Anna was a free spirit who kept searching for her place in life. This was difficult to you and the rest of us. Now she is at pease home forever with the Lord at peace.

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