Brian R. Morency of Westford

1960 - 2016

No Vistitation Date Scheduled


October 18, 2016
Dolan Funeral Home

5891-morency-3Brian R. Morency, 56, of Westford passed away peacefully Tuesday, October 4, 2016 at his home.

Born in So. St. Paul, MN, he was the son of Normand and Darlene Morency of Westford. Brian attended Westford Academy .He loved sports and was on the wrestling team and as a student was a very active participant in the school’s first Outward Bound program who along with his Instructors helped set up.

He proudly served with the U.S. Army.

Brian worked for McAndrew’s Construction of Nashua, NH and also previously worked for the Fletcher Granite Company of Westford.

He was a communicant of St. John the Evangelist Church.

In his early teen years Brian was a member of the first undefeated Westford Pop Warner football teams. He was also an avid body builder. He also enjoyed the outdoors.

He was well liked by all his friends and neighbors always speaking to them while sitting at his favorite spot, the front porch.

Brian will be remembered for his mild mannered behavior, kindness and generosity.

Besides parents he is survived by his brothers, Jeffrey Morency of Plano, TX, Steven and his wife, Laurie Morency of Townsend and Bruce Morency of Lowell; sisters, Julie and her husband, Stephen Gill of Cupar Fife, Scotland, Shelley and her husband, Ronald Crawford of Pendleton, SC and Suzanne and her husband, Elton Tanner III of Dauphin Island, AL and many aunts uncles, nieces and nephews.

Funeral Service Tues. October 18, 2016 at 11A.M. at the DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 106 MIDDLESEX ST. CHELMSFORD, MA. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made in his name to the American Kidney Association, 11921 Rockville Pike Suite 300, Rockville, MD 20852. ARRANGEMENTS BY DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 978-251-4041.

48 Condolences for Brian R. Morency of Westford

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    Jeannine Morency Morrin


    Norm & Darlene,

    I am so sorry for the loss of Brian. I know your pain and it’s like no other. Everyday is difficult to get through and God help me gets through this with prayer. May God bless you and ease your pain.

    Love, Jeannine Morency Morrin

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    mark morency


    Dear Uncle Norm and Aunt Darlene,
    I am sorry to hear about Brian. Many good memories of when we were young boys.
    Call if there is anything I can do for you.6036893524.
    All our love,
    Mark and Michelle Morency

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    Anne Marie Gauthier


    Thoughts and prayers to Aunt Darlene, Uncle Norm, and family. Love Anne Marie and Roland Gauthier, and family.

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    Sleeptight Brian x

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    Vicki Gradie Lemon


    My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this sad time. I grew up in Nab and went to school with Brian. God bless.

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    Eleanor Walker-Jenkins


    My deepest sympathy to all of you. Brian was my first boyfriend. He was a sweet, loving, funny and smart boy. I saw his struggles and I changed for the better because of it. I am very happy he is now at peace. Eleanor

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    Debbie Marchand Hudson


    I’m so sorry for your loss of Brian. While growing up with him he was always a happy-go-lucky guy. Always nice and polite to me. I’ll remember his big smile.
    RIP, Rest in Paradise Brian

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    pamela lafortune


    aunt Darleen uncle norm and family were all so very sorry that brian has now gone to heaven with our lord god bless you all in his love grace pammy & michelle and family robby and family & suzy from nc sc

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    Nancy Liva


    Brian and I were good friends when we were young, 12 or 13 years old. I am so sorry for your loss. I remember him as a good friend and a great companion in our many wonderful adventures. Please accept my heartfelt condolences, Nancy McCormack Liva

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    Tammy Ryder


    So sorry to hear the passing of Brian. I have so many good memories of him back in the day. He was a great friend.He will be missed.My prayers for his family and friends. Tammy Ryder

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    Sherry L. Steele


    Sorry Bruce and Suzie for your loss.
    I wiil always remember us all hanging at Edward’s having all our summer time fun! Rip Brian!

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    Steve Simons


    Brian was a great guy who would go out of his way to try and do nice things for people. He will be missed

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    Dear Uncle Norm, Aunt Darlene and family . . Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you during this time. I know Brian is home with all of our loved ones and is at peace. I pray this gives you all comfort through this loss. We love you all dearly.
    Michelle, Pam, Sue and the family here in the South.

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    Brenda Brundrette


    Thinking of your family Brian RIP

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    Andy O'Hara


    Thoughts and prayers to the Morency family. Brian will be missed. Will always remember hanging at Edwards with you and the rest of the guys and all the nights out with you and Mary F., and all the endless wrestling matches in the sand. You are a part of all those memories. Time here passes so quickly. RIP

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    Debra Morency Melendez


    Dearest Uncle Norm Aunt Darlene & family
    My deepest condolences to you and the family thoughts and prayers are with you. Debra Morency Melendez and family

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      julie Morency-Gill


      Hi Deb, this is Julie. Just wanted to thank you so very much for your very lovely words. It’s difficult as you know losing a brother at such a young age, but I know he’ll be up there with people like Jamie and your Dad, strumming away on his guitar. Love Julie

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    Peggy (Mone) and Dan Bennett


    So sorry to hear about Brian. Thoughts and prayers to your family! We could always count on him to be on the porch and he always said “hello” and gave us a smile. My best memory is: 19 years ago, when my two horses broke loose and were galloping down the roads past the golf-course and down by the lake. As he was walking by my house and saw what happened, he didn’t hesitate to help me catch my horses and even had to lead one of them back by the halter. I’ll never forget that!! RIP Brian. Peggy (Mone) Bennett and Dan Bennett

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      julie Morency-Gill


      Dear Peggy and Dan. I’m Brian’s oldest sister Julie. On behalf of my parents Norm and Darlene Morency as well as all my siblings, I want to thank you for your kind words and sharing such a wonderful story about Brian. It’s one that will remain deeply in my mind, because it was such a “Brian” thing. He loved helping, it was just his way.So many people have talked about Brian and his chair on the porch. He liked seeing people and loved when they waved at him and always would smile back at them. Brian so loved being a part of his community in Westford. He will be sorely missed by us all.

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    Steven Morency


    My Love for My Brother Brian will never leave me. although I have a large hole in my heart from hurt, the Lord has welcome him to a place of peace for eternity, I will feel your Love always brother until we are together again. Your Big Brother Steve

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    Brian, a simple and sweet soul, may God hold you in his loving arms forever!

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      julie Morency-Gill


      Hi Deb, just wanted to thank you on behalf of Mom and Dad and all of my siblings. You were so spot on, Brian truly was a sweet and simple soul. He will be sorely missed by us all.

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    paul martinage, jr


    So very sad to hear of Brian’s passing. Brian will be missed by those who had the pleasure through the years to have known him. My condolences go out to the entire Morency family.

    Paul Martinage, Jr

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      julie Morency-Gill


      Hello Phil, My name is Julie and I’m Brian’s oldest sister. On behalf of my father Norm Morency and my Mother Darlene Morency and all of my siblings, we wish to thank you for your very kind words re Brian. I’m certain Brian would have enjoyed your company as much as you did his. He will be sorely missed by us all.

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    David Coleman


    My deepest condolences to Brian’s family. I remember a completely foggy night many years ago when Brian offered me a ride home in his canoe from the Dam. The idea was to drop me off at 40 Steps Beach and then he was going to paddle pack to the Dam. As soon as we pushed off from shore, the fog totally surrounded us and there was nothing but absolute darkness. I was paddling the canoe and Brian sat up front playing his harmonica as we went across the lake having no idea which way we were going. It was a completely surreal feeling being out there trying to find our way on just intuition. We somehow, finally, got to 40 Steps and I told Brian he should leave the canoe there for the night and walk home rather than paddle back alone but he’d have none of it. I remember pushing him off from the shore and standing there for a good bit as the sounds of his paddling faded to silence. Whenever I think about that night and Brian paddling off into the dark all by himself, I think about the turn his life was sadly about to take. Thank you for the ride Brian and safe passage on your way home.

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      julie Morency-Gill


      Hello Dave, Just wanted to thank you so much on behalf of my Dad and Mom. Your story touched me deeply and as the tears ran down my face, I thought of how grateful we all are (his siblings) to we read memories like this. Although Brian had his issues in life, I honestly cannot remember him ever being mean to anyone. He always wanted to help, and had a smile on his face, I believe he was born with this type of personality. There was only one Brian. He went far too soon, but he’s at peace now. He’ll be up there strumming a guitar and blowing on a harmonica. Take care-Julie

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    Linda McLennan


    For Norm, Darlene and the Morency family,

    Our condolences for your loss.

    Jim and Linda McLennan

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      julie Morency-Gill


      Hello Linda and Jim, I’m Brian’s oldest sister Julie. On behalf of my Father Norm Morency and my Mother Darlene Morency and all of my siblings, I want to thank you for your kind words re Brian. He will be sorely missed by us all.

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    Cathie Reardon


    Our condolences to the Morency family. Brian was always helpful and pleasant–always had a “Hi
    Cath” as he walked by. He’s at peace now.
    The Reardons

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      julie Morency-Gill


      Hello Cathie, I’m Brian’s oldest sister Julie. On behalf of my father Norm Morency and my Mother Darlene Morency and all my siblings, I want to thank you very much re your kind words. I’m so glad you shared your remarks about Brian, waving and always saying hello. He loved Westford and loved sitting in his chair on the porch. So many people have told my parents as well as myself how Brian would wave and smile as they drove by. He will be sorely missed by us all.

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    Phil Buckland


    oh Brian I’m sorry I lost touch over the years. I moved away and life got in the way. Had some crazy fun times and some great work outs, Miss ya buddy.

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      julie Morency-Gill


      Hello Phil, I’m Brian’s oldest sister Julie. On behalf of my Father Norm Morency and my Mother Darlene Morency and all my siblings, I want to thank you re your very kind words about Brian. I’m certain that Brian would have understood about losing track of time and would not have worried over it had you met up again, he was just very easy going about things like that. He will be sorely missed by us all.

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    A Grateful American


    Though our grateful nation mourns with you in your loss, we can only feel a small part of the loss you are experiencing.

    Your loved one will always be a part of our country’s story. As such, their sacrifice on behalf of our nation will always be honored.

    While the process of grieving requires a lot of time and, somehow, is never complete, we will be praying for you and grieving with you.

    In deepest sympathy.

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      julie Morency-Gill


      Hello, I’m Brian’s oldest sister Julie. On behalf of my Father Norm and my Mother Darlene Morency and all my siblings, I want to thank you for your very kind words re my brother Brian, he will sorely be missed by us all.

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    Billy Anderson


    So sorry to hear of Brian’s passing.
    He was a great friend and neighbor, a very gentle guy. I remember when I was 6 or 7, and cut my foot on the slide at the NIA park. Brian (who was built like Hercules at the time) carried me home on his back. That’s how he was, always willing to jump in and do the right thing. He was always a bit of a hero in my eyes.

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      julie Morency-Gill


      Hello Billy, I’m Brian’s oldest sister Julie. On behalf of my father Norm and my Mother Darlene Morency as well as all my siblings, I want to thank you for your very kind words and your story re Brian helping you with your cut foot. I loved your comparison of Brian to Hercules. At that time Brian was doing a lot of body building and he really was very built up, like Hercules. He loved helping everyone and would do so without a second thought, hence why I think he was so loved by his community. He will be sorely missed by us all.

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    Brian we drive by your house and your not there sitting on the porch doesn’t seem the same without you out there you were such a sweet guy our deepest sympathy to your family Your neighbors Denny & Kathy shurtleff

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      julie Morency-Gill


      Hello Kathy and Denny, I’m Brian’s oldest sister Julie. On behalf of my parents Norm and Darlene Morency as well as all my siblings. I want to thank you for your very kind words re Brian. Just a day or two ago in speaking to my Dad, who at that time was outside sitting in Brian’s chair, I heard someone beeping and then heard my father speaking to them. My father told me that so many people have stopped to talk to him about Brian, he was deeply touched. I think it’s a close tie between his guitar and his love of being outdoors on that chair, waving and smiling at people who would beep their horns and smile back. He liked everybody. He will be sorely missed by us all.

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    Dave lindof


    My condolences to the morencey family. Brian was a gentle soul. Just to share a memory of him i can remember him wandering the neighborhood with his acoustic guitar. The song that comes to mind would be roundabout by yes. Just something that stuck in my head more than 30 years ago. RIP Bri

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      julie Morency-Gill


      Hello Dave, I’m Brian’s oldest sister Julie. I want to thank you on behalf of my parents Norm and Darlene Morency and my siblings, for all your kind words about my brother Brian, especially your memories re his guitar. He was self taught and the guitar was his prized possession.

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    Dear Aunt Darlene, Uncle Norm, and all of your family,

    I am so sorry for the loss of Brian! We are keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult and sad time! With our love,
    Mona, Jeff, Cameron and Samuel

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      julie Morency-Gill


      Hello Mona, Just wanted to thank you so much for your kind words re Brian. He is going to be so missed by us all. Love Julie

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    Brian, such a beautiful boy, ill always remember him that way, playing Zeppelin on his guitar.

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      julie Morency-Gill


      Hello Susan, I’m Brian’s oldest sister Julie, on behalf of my father Norm Morency and my Mother Darlene Morency, as well as my siblings, I want to thank you for your very kind remarks about my brother Brian. Brian’s guitar played a very big part in his life and I believe he found solace in it.

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    Donns Macdonald


    Sorry for your lost sorry to here god bless he will be sadly missed god bless

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      julie Morency-Gill


      Hello Donns, I’m Brian’s oldest sister Julie. On behalf of my father-Norm Morency and my mother-Darlene Morency, has well has myself and my siblings, I wish to thank you for your very kind words for my brother Brian. He will be greatly missed by us all.

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    John & Cheryl Charron


    To Steve and family, It saddens me to here about Brian I think back of the old times Getting in trouble having No fear of life ending. Brian you will always live on in all of our memoires God Bless you!

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      julie Morency-Gill


      Hello John and Cheryl, I’m Brian’s oldest sister Julie, on behalf of my Father Norm Morency and Darlene Morency and myself and siblings, I’d like to thank you very much. You described Brian perfectly. He lived his life the way he believed he should and was happy. We all will miss him greatly.

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