Choon-Hee Marit Chae

1999 - 2023

No Vistitation Date Scheduled

No Funeral Date Scheduled

Choon-Hee Marit Chae shot into this world on May 5th, 1999.  She was quick at everything from walking at eight months, to developing excellent hand-eye-coordination at the age of two, and understanding the world around her as a toddler.  She was a scholar athlete that led her to Boston to play basketball.  Her humor and wit will be missed. Choon-Hee is survived by her father, S. Ben Chae, step-mother, Mya Chae, brother Bodhi Chae, aunt H.S. Chae-Bean, nephews, Sean and Brendan Bean, grandmother, Chun Chae, and step-sisters, Bella Crow and Helana Anzures.  Seth Crow is also her step-brother-in-law.  Her mother, Michelle Cavazos also resides in Texas.

4 Condolences for Choon-Hee Marit Chae

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    Carol McDermott


    Condolences to Choon’s family. I had the pleasure of getting to know her through work at the bank. She was a wonderful fun loving person. She made you laugh and kept our day to day work fun! I really am honored to have known her. She will be sadly missed but I know her spirit carries on in all she met along the way. Love you Choon ♥️

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    Sandra Sandoval


    My deepest condolences to the family, May her shining light continue to help you through these trying times. She was so unique and independent and brought joy to everyone. Prayers and love.

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    Nicole Isabelle


    My condolences to the Chae family. I had the utmost pleasure of being one of Choon’s managers at the bank. She was that spark of light that kept your days bright. There was never a dull day when she was around. She will be missed dearly. Prayers and love to all and may her unique spirit live in us all ?

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    Flormarie Figueroa


    My heart goes out to your family and loved ones. Glad I got to cross paths with you. You’re missed tremendously, Choon!

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