Diwaliben Patel of Lowell

1918 - 2018


August 24, 2018
9 AM - 10:30 AM
Dolan Funeral Home 106 Middlesex St. Chelmsford MA 01863


August 24, 2018
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Dolan Funeral Home 106 Middlesex St. Chelmsford MA 01863

Diwaliben Patel, 99, of Lowell died Monday, August 20, 2018 surrounded by her loving family at her daughter’s home in Lowell.

She was married to the late Manilal Patel.

Born in Gujarat, India she was the daughter of the late Vaghjbhai and Jamuna Patel.

Diwaliben moved from India to the United States in 1984, became a proud citizen in 1997 and a longtime resident of Lowell.

She enjoyed spending time with her friends and cooking. Her greatest joy was spending time with her family.

She is survived by her sons, Pravin and his wife, Saroj Patel of Lowell, Ghanshyam and his wife, Hasu Patel of Lowell, Nitin and his wife, Meena Patel of Lowell and Anil and his wife, Urshila Patel of Lowell; daughters, Sarojben Patel and her husband, Rajnikant Patel of Lowell, Ranjan Patel of Lowell and Manjulaben Patel of Lowell; brother, Shantilal Patel of Atlantic City, NJ; thirteen grandchildren; fourteen great grandchildren and many nieces and nephews.

She was the mother-in-law of the late Nitinchandra Patel.

Visiting and funeral services Friday, August 24th. 9-10:30A.M. at the DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 106 MIDDLESEX ST. CHELMSFORD. Cremation at the Merrimack Crematory, Merrimack, NH. ARRANGEMENTS BY DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 978-251-4041.


4 Condolences for Diwaliben Patel of Lowell

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    Bipin Parekh


    Pravinbhai and Sarojben,
    Please accept our condolences on the passing of Pravinbhai’s mother, Diwaliben.
    May her soul Rest In Peace.
    You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Meera and Bipin Parekh

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