Frederick A. Wilkins of Lowell, MA

1938 - 2023

US Veteran US Air Force


December 1, 2023
10:30 to 11:30am


December 1, 2023
The Dolan Funeral Home

Frederick A Wilkins (84), a lifelong resident of Lowell, passed away on November 25, 2023 at Lowell General Hospital.  He was the beloved husband of the late Dorothy J (Boyle) Wilkins with whom he shared 49 years of marriage.

Frederick was born on December 15, 1938, the son of the late Ralph B and Marjorie Wilkins.

Fred was a graduate of Lowell High School and was a champion youth golfer. He served in the U.S. Air Force.

In his earlier years, Fred worked with his father in their family moving business. After a career in printing pre-press, he worked alongside his daughter in the insurance industry.

Fred was always the dad who piled the neighborhood kids in the car and treated for adventures. He was a New England sports enthusiast, thoroughbred handicapper, and witty conversationist. Above all, he was a kind and dedicated family man.

He enjoyed meeting up with his friends – especially Thomas Stanton, at the former Glenview and more recently, Kastore’s Restaurant.

Fred leaves his daughters Cheryl and Wendy, and his sister Mae Ellen Wilkins, all with whom he resided.

1 Condolences for Frederick A. Wilkins of Lowell, MA

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    Cynthia Donovan


    So sorry to the Wilkins family for your loss I love you all you are a great family praying for you all ?

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