Robert J. Mahoney formerly of Dorchester, MA

1929 - 2022

US Veteran Navy

No Vistitation Date Scheduled

No Funeral Date Scheduled

Mr. Robert John Mahoney Sr., 93, of Quincy, MA formerly of Dorchester, MA died Wednesday morning, May 25, 2022 at High Pointe Hospice House in Haverhill, MA.

He was married to the late Mrs. Jean F. (Moulton) Mahoney who died in 1998.

Born in Boston on February 28, 1929, Robert was the son of the late William and Helen (Roberts) Mahoney. He was attended of Dorchester High School.

He served with the U.S. Navy at the end of WWII.

He retired from the MDC of Boston as a manager of the district’s pools and golf courses after 35 years of service.

He was a communicant of St. Ann’s Church of Dorchester, MA.

Robert enjoyed fishing and bowling.  He also enjoyed calligraphy.

Robert is survived by a daughter, Cynthia Hall of Quincy, MA, two sons, Robert and his wife, Marion Mahoney Jr. of Hudson, NH, and Christopher Mahoney of Antigua, a sister, Hellene “Helen” Mahoney of Brockton, MA, a sister-in-law, Edna Mahoney of Quincy, MA, four grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, and many nieces and nephews.

He was the brother of the late William and Paul Mahoney.

There will be no visiting hours or funeral services. He was buried with his wife, Jean in Massachusetts Veteran Memorial Cemetery, Winchendon, MA. Memorials may be made in his name to the American Cancer Society, 3 Speen St., Suite 250, Framingham, MA 01701. ARRANGEMENTS BY DOLAN FUNERAL HOME, CHELMSFORD, MA 978-256-4040.

1 Condolences for Robert J. Mahoney formerly of Dorchester, MA

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    Nancy Short


    So nice of you Robert, Cindy and Chris to mention my sister Anna Rose, who he lived with for over 20 years and took care of him when NO ONE in his family cared about him…and her family l, especially her son,, who took care of your father for months after she passed away and once again no one in his family wanted him until they didn’t have a choice. You should all be so proud of yourselves!!!!!!

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