Roger Henry Burke Jr. of North Chelmsford, MA

1948 - 2024

US Veteran United States Army

No Vistitation Date Scheduled

No Funeral Date Scheduled

Roger Henry Burke Jr., 75, of North Chelmsford, MA passed away, Wednesday, January 10, 2024.

He was married to Joan E. (Cross) Burke with whom he had celebrated their 53rd wedding anniversary on November 7, 2023.

Born in Concord, MA he was the son of the late Roger H. and Ellen (Lunquist) Burke Sr.   He graduated from Bedford High School in Bedford, MA with the class of 1966. After high school, Roger proudly served with the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War.

He retired from The Mitre Corporation of Bedford, MA on September 2, 2016 after 50 years of dedicated service.

Besides his wife, Roger is survived by his sisters Carol Prescott of Milford, NH and Linda Burke of Bedford, MA. He was the father of the late Paul Burke of Billerica, MA who died May 9, 2020.


Graveside services to be held Saturday, January 20, 2024 at 11AM at Fairview Cemetery, Chelmsford.


2 Condolences for Roger Henry Burke Jr. of North Chelmsford, MA

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    Jean Cross


    Roger was much more than a brother-in-law- more like a brother, a co-conspirator, a committed homebody, a laid back be-cool kinda guy who never-ever wanted to go to Boston, a man who took care of his family, took care of large and small things around the house, who worked for 50 years and was a Vietnam Veteran. After his retirement he enjoyed breakfast with his high school pals and it cemented past relationships. He was a decent man who loved his wife (my sister), his son and his family. He will be missed by all of us, and I’m sure he was greeted enthusiastically by son Paul, hugs with my Walt and Joanie, and I guess he could only roll his eyes at my Dad. Joan, I love you..

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    Dianalynn Saccoccio


    I am very sorry to hear of the loss of your husband. We send our prayers and love to you.

    Dianalynn Saccoccio and Rosemarie Ferreira

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