Russell “Russ” Guilmette

1937 - 2021

US Veteran Navy Reserve

No Vistitation Date Scheduled


July 30, 2021
11 AM
Fairview Cemetery, Main Street North Chelmsford, MA

Russell “Russ” Guilmette passed away on July 25, 2021 at the age of 83.  Russ was the devoted husband of Pauline Guilmette; loving father of Tracey Murphy, Troy Guilmette and Jay Guilmette; caring grandfather of Kylie and Madison Murphy, and Leanne, Brandon, Savanna and Brooke Guilmette; late brother of Earl Guilmette and Shirley Berrigan; and friend to many.

Russ graduated from Chelmsford High School, served in the Navy Reserves and went on to work for Raytheon.

During his retirement, Russ enjoyed many activities including landscaping, woodworking and working on his classic car.

Above all else, he enjoyed being with family and friends.  His love of life and sense of humor were infectious.  He was a sensitive, kind, compassionate man who wore his heart on his sleeve and loved deeply.

Graveside service July 30, 2021 at 11am Fairview Cemetery, Main Street, North Chelmsford, MA.  ARRANGEMENTS BY DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 978-251-4041. Guestbook at

1 Condolences for Russell “Russ” Guilmette

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    Robert Beauchemin


    Our deepest sympathies and condolences to all the Guilmette family. So sorry for your loss.
    From everyone at Phoenix Air Services, Inc
    Bernie, Janine, Bob, Laura, Lindsey, and David

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