Sean Francis Healey of Groton, MA

1964 - 2021

No Vistitation Date Scheduled


May 5, 2021
11:30 A.M.
St. John the Evangelist Church in N. Chelmsford, MA.. 01863

Sean Francis Healey, 56, of Groton, MA, formerly of Chelmsford died Monday, April 26, 2021 at his home surrounded by his loving family.
Born in Stoneham, MA, he was the son of William D. Healey and Patricia D. (Whitney) Healey.
He graduated from Chelmsford High School with the class of 1982 and graduated from UMass Amherst with a Bachelor’s Degree.
He worked for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
He was a communicant of St. Mary Church in Chelmsford, MA and St. John the Evangelist Church in Townsend, MA.
Sean enjoyed fishing.
He is survived by his brothers William Healey and his companion, Virginia Nelson of Ashby, MA and Paul Healey and Sharon of Dunstable, MA.

There are no visiting hours.  A Funeral Mass will be held Wednesday, May 5, 2021 at 11:30 A.M. at St. John the Evangelist Church in N. Chelmsford, MA.  Burial in Oakgrove Cemetery, Medford, MA. Memorials may be made in his name to the Catholic Appeal, 66 Brooks Drive, Braintree, MA 02184. ARRANGEMENTS BY DOLAN FUNERAL HOME 978-251-4041. Guestbook at

6 Condolences for Sean Francis Healey of Groton, MA

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    Susan Mills


    Sorry to hear about Sean. Its been a long time since I’ve seen him. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

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    Cousin Bonny Quinlan


    Sean…you were a dear loving man mine and fred hearts are aching Even though we didn’t see each other often we did have many funny telephone calls. you always made me laugh and mostly your heart was so big You always asked about how everyone in Florida was doing. Warm love beautiful soul. RIP Sean .
    your in heaven with Jesus!

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    Cousin Robyn Henderson


    Oh Sean… I am so sorry you have left us and gone over to the other side so soon… God must have needed you for something to take you so young… You will be missed so very much… You always made us smile with your awesome silliness… You are with the rest of the family now who left us earlier but we will all see you soon… and you will Always be in our Hearts! Love Forever, your Florida Family!

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    Kat Brazil


    My dear Sean. I am sure you are in peace in the arms of our lord. Still, you left us way too early.
    I remember visiting Jini and your phone calls that I would participate in. You were always a B breath of fresh air with your kindness and sincere interest for how your Florida family and friends were doing. I enjoyed those calls. May perpetual light be in your path sweet man.
    Your friend, Kat

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    Margaret Thompson


    Sean you will be sadly missed by me.I so enjoyed your visits at Newfound and our many adventures. You loved Newfound Lake so much. I will always remember your big heart and kind spirit. You also had a special love for animal’s especially dogs and cats. I am sure Pete was there to welcome you.
    Condolences to your mother who loved you so much and you her and your brothers.
    May the eternal light shine upon you and may you Rest In Peace. Margaret❤️?

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    David Donovan


    Sorry for your loss my deepest sympathies to your family ??????

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