Teresa (Poli) Feulo of Niantic Connecticut, formerly of Chelmsford, Massachusetts

1929 - 2021

No Vistitation Date Scheduled

No Funeral Date Scheduled

Teresa (Poli) Feulo 91, of Niantic Connecticut, formerly of Chelmsford, Massachusetts passed away on October 9, 2021, at Bride Brook Health Rehab Center in Niantic, Connecticut with her loving family at her side.

She was married to the late Dominic J. Feulo who died in September of 2016.

Born in Boston, she was the daughter of the late Octavio and Teresa Poli.  She attended East Boston High School.

She was a communicant of St. Mary’s Church of Billerica.

Teresa enjoyed spending time with her family and traveling to Foxwoods. She loved Wheel of Fortune and singing and dancing to Italian music.

She is survived by two daughters, Christine and her husband Michael Smith of Clinton, Connecticut, and Diane and her husband Charles Collias of Chelmsford, Massachusetts; her grandchildren, Michael(Danielle) Trocchio, Matthew Forrest, Ashley Smith, Austin Collias, and Alexandra Collias. She is also survived by two great grandchildren Cameron and Caelynn Trocchio, and many nieces and nephews.

She was the sister of the late Dominic Poli, the late Raymond Poli, the late Joseph Poli, the late John Poli, the late Tillie Petto, the late Enis Caruso, the late Lena Mucci, the late Dena Nickerson, the late Mary Roberts, and the late Virginia Jones.

A celebration of life will be held at a later date.


1 Condolences for Teresa (Poli) Feulo of Niantic Connecticut, formerly of Chelmsford, Massachusetts

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    Paul & Gerri Casaletto


    Christine and Diane, we are so sorry to hear of the passing of your dear, dear mother. She was always ready with a smile and kind words. We will be always remember her she would always brighten up a room with her presence. Please keep us informed when her celebration of life will take place.
    Thanks Diane for contacting us.
    With love Gerri & Paul

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